Dear Colleague,

Our recent Newsletter issue, “Scholars Reaching a World-Wide Audience,” contained an incorrect write-up for Akio Kimura’s paper, “Mishima’s Negative Political Theology: Dying for the Absent Emperor.” We apologize. The corrected write-up appears below.

To read Kimura’s complete paper, please click here.

With regards,
Orion Anderson

Library of Social Science Essays and Papers:
Scholars Reaching a World-Wide Audience

Chirila, Alexander

Creating the Idealized Nemesis: The Collective Psychology of the Red Scare

The idealized nemesis, as constructed by the collective psychology of a nation, can take many forms, from the barbarous hordes storming the gate to the cunning opponent scheming across a global chessboard. Perhaps the most insidious of these nemeses is the enemy within . Characterized as a viral infection, the enemy within generates a range of psychological reactions on the national scale.

Cocks, Geoffrey

The Body Politic: Hitler, Paranoia, and “the Jew” in Modern Germany

Hitler’s fears and fantasies were complemented by a generalized crisis in Germany having to do with the vicissitudes of the ill and well modern body. It was the experience of illness across the populations of Nazi Germany and Nazi-occupied Europe that constituted a dual, dark link between the well and ill self of the modern era and Hitler’s paranoid project for extermination of a created enemy.

Publication in traditional journal is a laborious process that may take months, even years, to consummate. A scholar’s paper may languish in anonymity. Yet—through the World Wide Web—information may be disseminated at the speed of light.

At the vanguard of the digital text revolution, Library of Social Science publishes thoughtful, well-researched essays and papers by the finest scholars in the world. Papers published on our website are promoted through our Newsletter, reaching a world-wide audience of tens-of-thousands of scholars, professional and students.

Citation is the hallmark of a successful paper and accomplished scholar. Texts published by Library of Social Science have an immediate impact upon scholarship—generating discussion and entering the ongoing discourse.

To the right and below are essays and papers appearing on the Library of Social Science website. Reach our essay/paper webpage here. Or click through any link below to read one of the papers.

The web version of this newsletter appears here.

Demopoulos, Panayiotis

Götterdämmerung : Suicide Music and the National Self as Enemy

What role did music play in the death-throes of the Reich? What did the orchestras of the Reich perform in the latter stages of the war? Examining dialogues from the bunker in the expiring days of the Reich, this essay will illuminate the use of music as means to support the darker and more sinister ideogram of self-punishment and purification.

Feldman, Yael S.

Dying for the Motherland

The willingness to die for one's country, be it a fatherland or motherland, seems to derive from a much older human 'habit' or 'reflex'— the universal need to secure one's well-being by appeasing the gods, or their human representatives (Nietzsche, Genealogy, 61). This appeasement began as a gift giving, or—at times of special duress—by giving up life itself, whether of oneself or of one's loved ones .

Kimura, Akio

Mishima’s Negative Political Theology: Dying for the Absent Emperor

With his spectacular suicide, Yukio Mishima reminded the postwar Japanese of what they had believed in during the war; it was not just the emperor as a god but the emperor as God, the absolute and transcendental being. While his behavior should be criticized for its anachronism, Mishima’s theology gives us a clue to understanding the idea that drove many Japanese to sacrificial death.

Koenigsberg, Richard

Death to the Non-Believers: Political Violence as Terrorism

The phrase "Death to the non-believers" conveys the central meaning of collective forms of violence. Members of one group seek to dominate or kill members of another group that do not bow down to the sacred object worshipped by one’s own group. Terroristic violence is intended to compel belief: to force members of another group to submit to the same sacred object to which members of one’s own group have submitted.

Strenski, Ivan

Sacrifice: Bad Math, Bad Grammar

Sacrifice means loss, giving up, destruction and death. But, much talk about sacrifice carries on as if this loss, this subtraction, actually achieves addition. The soldier ‘sacrifices’ themselves in battle, but this doesn’t count as diminishment. It actually adds to whatever social body of reference is in play. So, the question is why and how can sacrifice add to the social whole, when, in the fact of destruction and death, it subtracts from the social whole, by removing one of its members from the body of the living?

Thorup, Mikkel

Total Enemies: Understanding “The Total Enemy” through Schmitt, Arendt, Foucault, and Agamben

When, after the end of the Nazi regime, a doctor who participated in the mass killings was asked how he could reconcile the Hippocratic Oath with his actions during the war, the doctor said: “Of course I am a doctor and I want to preserve life. And out of respect for human life, I would remove a gangrenous appendix from a diseased body. The Jew is the gangrenous appendix in the body of mankind.”

Vlahos, Michael

Rites of Spring: Sacrifice, Incarnation, and War

The 20th century’s wars—from 1914-1951, and their aftermath—killed perhaps 150 million individual human beings. We casually ascribe this calamity to madness, evil, or the inevitable efficiencies of an industrial economy. Yet I argue that this killing was embedded in the desire of peoples to fulfill—through war—the vision that drove them. This was the paradoxical, unconfessed vision of Modernity—which replaced universal institutions of collective identity (for centuries vested in social order and Church) with a dynamic new alternative.

Zhu, Pingchao

Mao’s Martyrs: Revolutionary Heroism, Sacrifice, and China’s Tragic Romance of the Korean War

China entered into the Korean War at a critical historical moment: the new Communist regime had just celebrated its first anniversary in October 1950. In military strength and industrial capacity, China was no match for its opponent, the well equipped and supplied United Nations Command (UNC) under the United States military command leadership. What China could rely on was its massive manpower and political propaganda—entrenched in the Marxist doctrine of anti-imperialism and internationalism.