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Hitler's Mein Kampf: Prelude to the Holocaust
Conference at Boston College, April 25-26, 2019
Boston College and Bryant University—co-sponsors of this event—are offering a limited number of free registrations. To hold a place, please send an email to conference organizer Prof. John J. Michalczyk at michalcj@bc.edu with the message, "I would like to attend the Mein Kampf Conference." Please register immediately.
In 2016, the historians in Munich's Institute of Contemporary History published an annotated 2-volume edition of Hitler's blueprint for the new Germany, Mein Kampf. The impact of this new, 2,000 page annotated edition—which sold 85,000 copies within a year—led to the development of this international conference. Speakers from Israel, Germany and the US will present their scholarly work to show how Hitler's writing in Mein Kampf on nationalism, expansionism and anti-Semitism led to the tragedy of WWII and the Holocaust.

Conference Program
Thursday, April 25, 2019
7:00 p.m. Opening Session

Michael Bryant: "Mein Kampf and Early Steps Toward Genocide"

Karla Schoenbeck: "Focus Landsberg: A Bavarian Town and Its History Tied to Hitler"

Wolfgang Hauck: Exhibit—From Vilnius to Landsberg
Friday, April 26, 2019
8:30 a.m. Welcome & Opening Remarks
Consul General
9:00 a.m. Keynote Address

Magnus Brechtken: "Mein Kampf: The Critical Edition in Historical Perspective"

David Crowe: "Mein Kampf and  the Evolution of the Nazi Concept of Jewish Bolshevism"

Melanie Murphy: "Marxism: Enemy of the People"

Richard A. Koenigsberg: "Hitler as the Robert Koch of Germany"

12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m. Session I

Martin Menke: "Traces of Catholicism in Mein Kampf"

James Bernauer, SJ: "Jesuits, Jews and Holocaust Remembrance"

Nathan Stoltzfus: "Political Violence in Mein Kampf: Hitler's Tactics for Gaining and Exercising Power"

3:00 p.m. Session II

Ralf Gawlick: "Art and Its Perversion"

Paul Bookbinder: "The Nature of 'The People/Volk' and Qualities of a Leader to Help Create the Holocaust."

Tetyana Kloubert: "Holocaust Education and (Early) Signs of the Erosion of Democracy"

4:45 p.m. Candle Lighting Ceremony for Yom HaShoah
Boston College and Bryant University—co-sponsors of this event—are offering a limited number of free registrations. To hold a place, please send an email to conference organizer Prof. John J. Michalczyk at michalcj@bc.edu with the message, "I would like to attend the Mein Kampf Conference." Please register immediately.