The Psychoanalysis of Racism, Revolution and Nationalism
Richard A. Koenigsberg
Table of Contents
I. The Country, the Mother and Infantile Narcissism
- Introduction
- The Country as Suffering Mother
- The Country as Omnipotent Mother
- The Country as a Projection of Infantile Narcissism
II. The Country as a Living Organism
- Racism and Revolution as a Wish to Eliminate the "Disease" from Within the
Body of the Nation
- The Disease Within the Nation as a Projection of Malignant Internal Objects
III. Revolution as a Struggle against Passivity
- The Struggle Against Passivity: Hitler
- The Struggle Against Passivity: Lenin
- The Struggle Against Passivity: Aurobindo
IV. The Social Psychology of Nationalism
- The "National Community"
- Totalitarianism
The Renunciation of Personal Gratification in the Name of a Devotion to the Collectivity |