Book Description
Sacrifice seems to belong to a religious context of the past. In Sacrifice in Modernity: Community, Ritual, Identity it is demonstrated how sacrificial themes remain an essential element in our post-modern society.
The shaping of community, performing rituals and the search for identity, three main characteristics of traditional sacrifice, are dynamics of our modern times as well which cannot be understood without sacrificial awareness.
Table of Contents
Introduction - Sacrifice in Modernity: Community, Ritual, Identity
Part I – Sacrifice and Community
The Kapsiki Home Sacrifice
Walter E.A. van Beek
Pro Patria Mori: Sacrificing Life in Service of the Political Community
Theo W.A. de Wit
Self-Sacrifice and the Other(s): Reflections on Andrei Tarkovksy’s The Sacrifice
Frederiek Depoortere
“Das Opfertier das nicht vergebens fällt”: The Meaning of Sacrifice in Friedrich Hölderlin's Der Tod des Empedokles
Rebecca Prevoo & Joachim Duyndam
The Nonviolent Sacrifice: The Role of Tapasya in Nonviolence
Saskia van Goelst Meijer
Part II – Sacrifice and Ritual
Through Fire: Creative Aspects of Sacrificial Rituals in the Vedic-Hindu Continuum
Albertina Nugteren
Sacrifice in Early Christianity: The Social Dimensions of a Metaphor
Gerard Rouwhorst
Ritual Slaughter, Religious Plurality and the Secularization of Dutch Society (1919-2011)
Bart Wallet
Towards a Grown-Up Faith: Love as the Basis for Harry Potter’s Self-Sacrifice
Sigrid Coenradie
Sacrificial Scripts: Blood Values and Gender in the Twilight Vampire Narrative
Grietje Dresen
Sacrificing Judith
Anne-Mareike Wetter
Part III – Sacrifice and Identity
Sacrifice and Islamic Identity
Abdelilah Ljamai
Sacrifice – Action within a Relationship: A Phenomenology of Sacrifice
Claudia Mariéle Wulf
Self-sacrifice between constraint and redemption
Marcel J.H.M. Poorthuis
Religion, Suffering and Female Heroism: Transformations in the Meaning of Sacrifice in a Catholic Conversion Movement.
Marjet Derks
Self-Sacrifice and Care Ethics
Inge van Nistelrooij
Animal Substitution as a Reversed Sacrifice: An Intertextual Reading of Genesis 22 and the Animal Stories of Shusaku Endo
Sigrid Coenradie
The Fruits of Dissent and the Operationalization of Faith: A Midrashic Reading of the Aqedah
Elliot Lyons
Fascination of Sacrifice
Kathryn McClymond