Kai Schafft, Rural People & Communities in the 21st Century (Polity), exhibited at the Rural Sociological Society meeting.
Library of Social Science—in its mission to publicize and promote significant scholarship—has three constituents:
- Conference organizers & attendees: our exhibits enhance the intellectual value and success of meetings at which we organize & manage book exhibits.
- Publishers: we work with the finest presses to help them present new and significant titles to their target audiences.
- Authors: LSS provides a platform for them—to get their books into the world.
Authors are often present at the meetings at which we promote their books. Sometimes they are keynote and plenary speakers. In special cases, we organize book signings.
Authors understandably are thrilled to discover their book (or books) on one of our tables, yes, as a “centerpiece of our display.”
Please scroll down the page for photos of authors with their books. Not surprisingly, nearly every one has a smile on his or her face: their arduous labor has not been in vain. |

Sarah Hardy and Justin Garcia, Evolution's Empress (Oxford) and Mother Nature (Random House), exhibited at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society Conference. |

James McRae, Environmental Philosophy in Asian Traditions of Thought (SUNY Press), exhibited at the ASIANetwork conference. |

Kenneth Gergen at his book signing of Relational Being (Oxford University Press), exhibited at the Psychology and the Other Conference. |

Natasha Bowens, The Color of Food (New Society), exhibited
at the
Community Development Society Conference |
Mark Shucksmith and David Brown, Rural Transformations and Rural Policies in the US (UK Taylor & Francis/Earthscan), exhibited at the Rural Sociological Society meeting. |

Michi Fu, Handbook of Asian American Psychology (SAGE Publications),
exhibited at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit.

William Wilson signing books from University of Chicago Press
at the Association for Applied and Clinical Sociology conference.

John Wilsey, One Nation Under God? (Wipf & Stock Publishers), exhibited at the Society for US Intellectual History conference.
Derald Wing Sue signing one of his books (John Wiley & Sons) at the National Multicultural Conference and Summit.
Peter Shabad, Despair and the Return of Hope (Rowman & Littlefield), exhibited at the International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy conference. |

Joseph Stevenson, Action Research for Higher Educators, Hear and Now and Modernizing the College Curriculum in American Higher Education (Academica Press), exhibited at the Society for Humanistic Psychology conference. |

Diane Goodman, Promoting Diversity and Social Justice (Taylor & Francis), exhibited at the Teachers College Winter Roundtable. |

Corinne Field and Nicholas Syrett, Age in America (NYU Press), exhibited at the Society for the History of Children and Youth conference. |