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American Psychological Association Books:
The Bedrock
34th Annual Winter Roundtable on Cultural Psychology and Education (TCWR)

APA Books is one of the world’s finest publishers in psychology. Their books and journals cover the entire spectrum of topics.

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for additional photos.

APA has exhibited with Library of Social Science since 2009. At each of our conferences, they provide our bedrock of psychology titles.

Titles are selected by APA’s astute marketing manager, Tom Wolfe.

Among recent and best-selling titles from APA Books:

Conferees at our meetings rely on APA Books to become aware of the latest trends—and most significant publications—in psychology.
86th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Sociological Society (ESS)
10th Biennial Congress of the International Academy for Intercultural Research (IAIR)
Annual meeting of the Midwest
Sociological Society (MSS)
Annual Convention of the Texas
Psychological Association (TPA)