Please scroll down the page for a list of selected sessions from the WPA meeting—that provide a window on the current state of academic psychology—and the issues on the minds of today's college students. |
A Full Plate, a Full Bed? Sexual Self-Concept and Binge-Eating |
Is Facebook Culturally Connecting Us? The Values Behind Online Self-Monitoring |
Advances in the Culturally Competent Assessment and Management of Suicide |
Jealousy and Domestic Violence: An Exploration of Individual Differences |
Aging and Nothingness: Group Therapeutic Factors With Older Adults |
Liberal Arts Majors in the Age of Anxiety |
American Adolescents |
Mental Help-Seeking Among Male College Athletes: The Role of Masculinity and Athletic Identity |
Are Religious Faith and Church Attendance Protective Factors Against Casual Sex? |
Mindfulness-Induced Emotion Regulation: Investigating the Underlying Processes of Mindfulness |
Are Sexually Transmitted Infections Associated With Stress, Depression and Anxiety? |
Minority Status and Academic Achievement in College: Threat and Rejection |
Are the Unemployed Viewed As Immoral? |
Moral Development and Attitudes Towards Same-Sex Marriage and Homosexuality |
Are There Career Consequences For Being a Stay-At-Home Dad? |
Offending Together: Peer Influence and Co-Offending Groups Among Juvenile Offenders |
Attitudes and Prejudices Against Bisexuals |
Pathways to Care For Latinos Experiencing First Episode Psychosis |
Beauty and Valor: Experimental Effects of Princess Fairytales Among Children |
Pornography Consumption and Relations to the Understanding of Anatomy |
Beyond Duality: Pornography Use, Body Image, Attachment and Sexual Satisfaction |
Predictors of Optimal Well-Being: Altruistic Goals, Positive Emotions, and Spirituality |
Body Strength and Fear of Falling in Older Adults |
Psychological Benefits of Yoga Intervention On Female Prisoner Population |
Childhood Emotional Trauma: Predictors of Psychological Aggression in Dating Relationships |
Relationship Status, Regret, and Subjective Well-Being |
Chinese Parent-Adolescent Relationships and Youth Adjustment Among Chinese Americans |
Religiosity Differences in Emotional Responses to Death |
Comparing Religious Beliefs With Delusion: Is There a Difference? |
Return of Butt Man: Somatic Preferences and Objectification of Women |
Controlling Your Body: Lack of Control Fosters Unhealthy Dieting Behavior |
Romantic Attachment in Older Adulthood As Compared to Young Adulthood |
Developing Leader Self-Awareness Through Narrative Coaching |
Sexual Self-Esteem, Sexual Self-Efficacy and Sexual Assertiveness: a Significant Threesome? |
Do Athletics Affect Women's Self-Esteem and Influence Risky Sexual Behaviors? |
Should I Go Greek? Conformity and Belongingness Among College Students, |
Effects of Mindfulness and Meditation On College Students Psychological Functioning |
Substance Use, Parents, and Delinquency Among Juvenile Offenders |
Empathy of Pain in Family Members of Chronic Pain Sufferers |
Tattoos and Their Effects On Social Perception |
Ethnic Identity and Intercultural Marital Dynamics |
The Effect of Mortality Salience On Death Penalty Sentencing Decisions |
Facebook, Puzzles, and Other Distractions: Are People Escaping the Self? |
The Effects of Materialism On Compulsive Buying Behavior and the Mediating Role of Stress and Depression |
Friends Over Family? Social Support Factors and Health Outcome |
The Ideal E-Book For Children With Autism: Best Read Solo Or With a Therapist? |
Friendship Attachment and Life Satisfaction: Does Being in a Relationship Matter? |
The Impact of Collective Rumination and Revenge Planning On Aggression |
Getting Smashed and Smushing: the Risky Sexual and Drinking Attitudes and Behaviors of Female College Students When Exposed to TV |
The Relationship of Gender and Socioeconomic Status to Aggression, Hostility, and Acting Out |
Gratitude and Depression: a Longitudinal Study On Cancer Survivors |
The Relative Contributions of Five Internalization Processes to Depressive Symptoms |
Gratitude's Unique Positive Role in Development |
What Went Wrong? Campus Unrest, Political Diversity, and Freedom of Speech |
Helping Others, Helping Ourselves: Psychosocial, Cognitive, and Physical Well-Being Benefits of Generative Activity |
Who Am I? Exploring Multiracial Identity Development |
Hooking Up: Attitudinal Predictors of Casual Sex |
Why Do People Reject Evidence When It Contradicts Prior Beliefs? |
Images of God I: Conceptions and Relationships With God |
Work-Life Balance Practices, Employee Attitudes, and Behaviors At Work |
Inferring Personal Value Through Clothing Choices |
Would You Be Happier With a Dog Or a Kid? |
Is Cell Phone Separation Anxiety Real? |